Saturday, August 31, 2013

The day draws closer

Weirdly Fiona and I had the same idea-urge this afternoon to finish part of our Flags for Peace 2013 - most likely spurred on by MJ's reminder of 28 days to go (even less now).

We met on the Peace Bell deck with flags in hand to give them a test run and take a few photos for this blog. I think Fiona will be posting on this test run as well later on so readers will have to put up with a bit of overlap and repetition - guess that is ok in the pursuit of peace.

As you can see from the photos mine are outdoor metal ones and Fiona's is one of her indoor ones (hand made paper with imbedded peace cranes). You can see a set of Jennifer Q's flags from last year that still manage to survive and fly on the Peace Bell deck.


  1. these are really wonderful -
    cranes and doves, metal and fibers - all carrying the much needed message across the miles.

  2. How lovely! What a thrill it must be to stand midst all that peace and artistry.

    Glad to see my flags are still doing okay as well. Need to get my own back outside when I'm home.

  3. MJ & J - so good to see that we are getting the ripples going again. Go well. B
