Saturday, September 20, 2014

Peace Prayer Wheel spins for peace

Though the Peace Prayer Wheel is not quite peace flags, one can think of the vanes as peace flags as each has a peace prayer on them.

©2014 Barry Smith - Peace Prayer Wheel - flags for peace
©2014 Barry Smith - Peace Prayer Wheel - flags for peace
©2014 Barry Smith - Peace Prayer Wheel - flags for peace
Wishing for a little more peace today and every day.


  1. barry, this is incredible - how i would love to see it in person. this is absolutely fantastic and so very meaningful. from the larger concept to the smaller intentions stamped on it.

  2. I love your wheel, Barry, peace to you!

  3. Hi MJ & VA - thanks for your words and thoughts - good that we cal all do and create a little for peace. I think the Peace Prayer Wheel will become a fixture on our block - spinning prayers with the gusts of wind. Peace. B
