Friday, December 4, 2015

The Lotus

May I live like the lotus, 
at ease in muddy water

The lotus has been my source of inspiration.

To allow me to be at ease,
  in the moment,
      just being.

Monday, September 21, 2015

international day of peace 2015

mjd 2015

everything living is impermanent. 

every thing, every one that is alive will not always be so. 

a sense of urgency is necessary -
for each moment matters. 

what do you want to leave behind? 

will it be a message of beauty and peace,

understanding and compassion?

will you do the work it takes,

and be a warrior for the purpose of living in 

and perpetuating peace? 

yes, work - being attentive, 

practicing right speech, mind and action.

but is anything more worth it? 

what will your legacy be? 

as thich nhat hanh reminds us:

our own life has to be our message. 

in a way, not knowing how long we have,

not knowing what will happen in a minute, a day, a year,

is a gift. 

it forces us to bring our 'a' game.

and if we aren't bringing it,

we can become aware and start. 

be peace
be love
be compassion


thank you as always to those who read and participate. to the dear friends who help me along when i falter. i wonder if blogging is going to the wayside (though i am fond of the format) - perhaps next year will be a bit different. if you have any suggestions, please feel free to share them. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The peace birds fly for international Peace Day

The peace birds were finished and hung in preparation for the 21 September. Lovely to have them in the tree at sundown. They will stay there until they fall or get taken.

Fiona and I will gong the peace bell on the 21 September - a few more vines and ripples of peace.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Finally started...

Just wanted to share the fact that I have finally started my pieces to put up for International Day of Peace on 21 September. This year I have decided to make 21 birds of peace out of patinated copper.

As you can see from the few photos below I have cut out the first 7 birds.

All the birds will have peace stamped on them and hung in a tree at the from of our block. Go well. Peace

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

petition google for a peace doodle

this is jeremy gilley, the founder of peace one day - 
and he has a request for you. 

you know those wonderful doodles google creates to commemorate special days, events and people? well, jeremy shows us how we can ask google to create one for peace.

how wonderful would that be? 

take a look and get involved.

and remember - the international day of peace is monday september 21st. i'm curious what you are all working on and wondering if perhaps we should take this to instagram - i'll keep you posted. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

4 months until the international day of peace ...

mjd - 2015 - morning mantra

as the moon sets
and the sun rises
may i begin my day

may i move
through each moment
and with clarity.

a heart bursting 
with love,

a mind 
propped open,

may i shine 
to lessen 
the darkness
another being's 


i know your work and words are infused with peace - 
we'd love to share it.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Thursday, February 12, 2015

are you living or merely alive -

mjd 2015 - offering bowl 

the dalai lama, when asked what most surprised him about humanity, answered:

"man... because he sacrifices himself in order to make money. then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. and then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then he dies never having really lived." 

our culture measures us by our productivity and things of an external nature - 
we know that is not a true measure of a human. and yet we push ourselves to that end.

no matter what your spiritual or religious belief system, i think there is solid value in the buddhist philosophy. i have been a dabbler for 30 years, but recently made a deeper commitment to the path. 

if you are seeking inner peace, wish to learn how to put compassion into practice (towards yourself as well as towards others), want to begin meditating (which is now supported by the scientific community as beneficial to one's health) and don't know where to turn, have a look at it is a resource that is rich and supportive.  


there is no one else to become
there is no where else to be 

you are home.

Monday, January 19, 2015

peace and dr. mlk, jr.

mjd - 2014 peace offering bowl

peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek,
but a means by which we arrive at that goal.
- dr. mlk, jr. 

we give so much thanks to one who lived his life according to high principles, 
who honored his fellow man, who tirelessly worked for peace and equality and gave everything for what he believed in - including his life. 

may we all find ways to move peacefully through the world
cultivating harmony
mindfully working towards positive change. 


and in case you hadn't heard, thich nhat hanh is out of his coma.