the six months between september and now have flown - filled with all kinds of life events and weather events to keep us busy.
this is the 3rd year we announce our project here -
and it means more each time.
in the beginning, i focused upon my project to honor the quest for world peace.
but it quickly evolved into becoming a part of my daily routine.
let's face it,
one cannot make work authentically in the name of peace
without doing the inside work of being in peace.
it takes diligence and practice.
with great joy i look forward to sharing the upcoming months with you - hearing from you - being inspired by you.
like anything worth achieving, it takes practice -
but the community is in place
the safety net is present
you need only to reach out.
anyone may participate - just send us an email and you will be added as an author - we ask only that you be respectful of the intention of the blog & kind to those who share.
for more information we have links set up in the side bar and in that tabs at the top.
i would like to open this up a bit - if you go back, you will see inspiring works by talented makers. all visual artists. if however, you are a poet or a songwriter - i want to include you as well. you could write your words on paper or fabric to hang in the sun and the wind. and share it with all living things. if you are a musician, maybe you could play your work outside and allow it to be carried away.
remember, while the 21st is the official day of honoring peace, every day holds the opportunity to promote it.