Wednesday, September 21, 2016

and so we commemorate and honor and participate in the international day of peace

mary jane dodd - 2016 om hanging

on a daily basis, do you make time for peace?

do you honor it as a necessary part of your life?

when peace settles into our hearts and minds

it calms agitation

it illuminates darkness

it quells fear. 

when you feel more peaceful, you carry it with you.

sharing it with other living things

caring about ki's well being

(robin wall kimmerer - the founding director of the center for native peoples and the environment at suny believes that we need to leave behind the pronoun 'it' for living beings. ki is a being of the living earth and kin is its plural form. she believes our thinking can be transformed with this change in language. and as words become thoughts and thoughts become actions, i completely agree with her. )

growing in the knowledge that we are all connected. 

walls come down

trust grows

we feel safe in all respects

and, as a result, every being thrives. 

make time for peace

and soon it will become unimaginable 

that you moved through the world in any other way. 


  1. Such beautiful thoughts MJ - moving peacefully and being at peace resonates I think, I hope. And I so love understanding the notion of 'ki' now - thank you for that, it holds truth. Peace.

  2. So true - the language we use defines our reality. What a beautiful thing, if everyone realized we are kin with all other beings on this living planet. xo

  3. Every little bit of peace counts. Stopping to remind ourselves of it in our own life can take a bit of mindfulness. Thanks MJ. Peace. B
